
write.click.cook.listen: Artist's Cookbook: Date and Orange Muffins and Cha...

Here is a really cool post about us on a really cool blog! Have a read and enjoy a delicious recipe of ours!

write.click.cook.listen: Artist's Cookbook: Date and Orange Muffins and Cha...: "It wasn't long ago that any thought or mention of pronouns would instantly bring on the cold sweats. Memories of Mrs. M and her 'grammar pat..."


Our new album is out!

We are proud to announce that our first studio album is finally out! It is available digitally right now! James did about everything himself from placing the mics to the final mixes, the songwriting, the arranging, and of course, the performing! Just the drum playing was left to me! Got to say that James is amazing! I am impress with the result!
You can have a listen right here and tell us what you think... Enjoy!