
Thank you Mr. Leonard Cohen!

One of our favorite artist of all times is releasing a "long been waiting for" album today : "OLD IDEAS", and this is Leonard Cohen. Since the first time I heard a song from Leonard Cohen (Thanks to my older sister) I have been in love with his music, just can't get enough of his beautiful lyrics and his deep soothing voice...Can't count how many nights Mr.Cohen helped me fall asleep by comforting my soul with his amazing songs...Thank you Mr.Cohen.

Here's some more info about the new album: OLD IDEAS by Leonard Cohen

We would love to know your special relationship with Leonard Cohen's music, are you happy about this new release?


Our great road trip! Part 2

OK, I took a long while before publishing the part 2 of this road trip story...Sorry! But here it is, I hope you can catch a glimpse of the feeling we had! (for those who didn't get part 1, here it is: part 1 )

We finally left Montreal on a quiet autumn night, listening to Neil Young’s amazing live album: Unplugged. I can still remember that moment when we sat in our van, buckled up the seat belt, start the engine and officially hit the road...Neil Young’s “old laughing lady” was playing, James was behind the steering wheel, his harmonica rack around his neck, he was playing with M. Young, Blondie, our dog, was sleeping between us... I had such a big smile on my face...We were finally on the road!  It was the beginning of an incredible 2 ½ years adventure, and to answer your questions, we are SO SO SO glad we did it...We felt amazingly free and happy!
We first went towards Ontario, Canada...and we actually had a little misadventure near Ottawa that almost had us go back home and cancel our trip... to be continued! 

In the meanwhile here's Neil Young's "Old laughing lady" to give you a sonic taste of what we heard while rolling those first miles of our memorable road trip...Just love this song...actually, this whole album is just so great!