
Our great road trip! Part 1

We received a “fan question” last week via our little fanbridge widget : http://youandme.fanbridge.com/fan_questions/
"So... I was looking at your journey on the map. Quite a trip. How was that? Are you glad you did it? Will you do something like that again? Trip to Nashville any time?
Too many questions?"

So since we have A LOT to say about this wonderful trip, we thought it would be a good idea to do a couple of posts here on our blog to respond to this question because every time we start talking about this trip we get so enthusiastic and once we start talking about it, it's hard to stop...so many great memories! . So here we go:

This was really quite a journey...over 30 months on the roads of America, in a little Westfalia Van, with Blondie our dog, our music gear, our canoe and our bikes...Kind of an ultimate road trip! First of all, this trip was an old dream the two of us shared since the first day we met... We both were dreaming of traveling the wild American country in a Westfalia van, living a true bohemian life, playing music in every town we would cross, discovering every national parks on the map...Being truly free, being  “true nature child , born to be wild”.
It took a good 2 years of preparation before we were able to leave Montreal, mostly preparing the Van...With a little help from our friends, James rebuilt the whole thing, which was just a Vanagon at first; he put a Westfalia roof, found and fitted the camping gear in (fridge, stove, beds, etc), had a new engine adapted in (a Subaru engine) and learned the mechanic of it. Well, we redid everything on this van: from the breaks to the paint, passing by a new sound system (of course!) we even did the interior, covering the ceiling and the cushions with a beautiful moon and star tapestry type of fabric...really neat! Oh, and we also baptised it! We named it: Victor “the victorious” Bluesummer, or “Blue” for short. Believe us, we talked a lot to “him”, asking it to please start or to please make it up that hill! We really got emotionally attached to our Van! We love you Blue!

To be continued...


Lightning fast drumming by Buddy Rich...

Just came across this video of the incredible drummer Buddy Rich...Wow! Amazing! He sure is fast! I love is little hi hat technique at 1:34min. I know as a drummer my strength is not my speed, but looking at him, I wish I could drum fast like this! They say dreaming is good...we never know, I might get struck by a lightning one day and get the gift of the speed of light...Until them I'll work my little fingers and wrists...


BIRP! August 2011 | BIRP!

If you enjoy discovering new artists and new songs, you might want to check BIRP's playlists! There is all sort of cool songs on them! They even included one of our songs on their august one, "Tell me why" , that's how cool they are!

check it out here: BIRP! August 2011 | BIRP! (Tell me why is the track number 100)



write.click.cook.listen: Artist's Cookbook: Date and Orange Muffins and Cha...

Here is a really cool post about us on a really cool blog! Have a read and enjoy a delicious recipe of ours!

write.click.cook.listen: Artist's Cookbook: Date and Orange Muffins and Cha...: "It wasn't long ago that any thought or mention of pronouns would instantly bring on the cold sweats. Memories of Mrs. M and her 'grammar pat..."


Our new album is out!

We are proud to announce that our first studio album is finally out! It is available digitally right now! James did about everything himself from placing the mics to the final mixes, the songwriting, the arranging, and of course, the performing! Just the drum playing was left to me! Got to say that James is amazing! I am impress with the result!
You can have a listen right here and tell us what you think... Enjoy!


create visually interesting webcontent

Just found a new website|web-community call «webdoc» (www.webdoc.com). It's really cool, it allows you to create visually interesting web content which you can easily share ...here's the first web doc I created just for the fun of it...it is kind of basic, but you can listen to one of our songs and dance a bit if you feel like it!


B is for Bob, M is for Marley

Because 30 years ago today the legendary Bob Marley died and because his spirit is still very much alive even just right here in my house with our little Ophelia, 2 years and a half old, who sings loud and clear everyday: "Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be alright" ( Well, its sounds more like: "Don't worrit 'bout a thsing, ev'ry thsing na be alright") "Three little birds" is her favourite song and she knows all the lyrics by heart and sings them with conviction even though she's really young. Every time the song starts playing, her face becomes all smiley and she automatically starts dancing, even her little 11 months old brother starts dancing...It's a moment of instant and pure happiness. 
So because of all this and much more, I'd like to say Thank you Mr. Bob Marley, your music is filled with magic, you soothe the heart and soul of so many still today, you bring happiness and hope to this world, Thank you for still being alive today!
sincerely, peace


Let it shine

Hey you all, just smile and let it shine! Because we all have something unique and beautiful to give to the world, because we all have a strong light shining in our soul, just let it shine out through your eyes, your smile, your words, your projects, your actions, your music! LET IT SHINE!

Happy Good Friday! Enjoy your day! Give big hugs to the ones you love! Listen to music that makes you feel happy!

Much love to the world!


The you and me english blog

Well, here it is, the english side of the you and me blog! Because some things are better expressed in english, and because my brain thinks in english part of the time, here's a little blog about everything and nothing, about James and I, about music, family, nature and life, about what goes on in our hearts and in our minds. For those of you who speaks french as well, you're invited to go read the other  You and me blog, the "french sister" of this one, which has a bit more to read for now.

We'll write more soon,  

Have a great day!